We'll have great prizes for your recycalypso instruments:

Best Overall Recycalypso Instrument:

Buzz Inn gift certificate and T-Shirt

Here's the t-shirt!


Here is how to get ready to compete!:


1. Look around you, in your house, your school, your work, wherever.  Find interesting-sounding recycled materials from the recycling bin or elsewhere.  The only rules are A. NO GLASS, B. NOTHING SHARP (so make sure and remove sharp edges from tin cans, etc.), C. MAKE SURE THE ITEM IS CLEAN.

2. Feel free to combine materials as well using tape or other methods.  It is also okay to use noodles, beans, or other food items to turn your recycled item into a shaker.

3. Feel free to decorate your recycled instrument with paint or any other method.

4. Figure out all the ways you can make sounds with your recycled instrument.

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