Ian's new show, "Ian Dobson's Tropical Escape" takes the audience on a tropical vacation. It is ideal for a concert setting and for retirement homes and is offered as a solo or with a band. He sings, dances and plays steel drums, ukulele, marimba, and percussion while answering the question of how a Seattle grunge kid ends up playing tropical music for a living. As he recounts his quirky musical journey he explores the common roots of rock and Latin music, taking the audience on an interactive musical tour of the Islands and putting them into an island state of mind.
Click Here for Tropical Escape Show Details
This can be a very fun and creative mid-winter concert offering. Presenters have served tropical drinks, publicized a tropical outfit contest (which Ian holds on stage), and put up tropical decorations.
Sample Poster for Intimate Solo Show:
Live in Pocatello, Idaho